Monday, 23 December 2013

I Got That Christmas Feeling; A Night With The Homeless

Now I know you didn’t think I was going to let Christmas come and go without giving you all another blog post. Why haven’t I blogged in so long you ask? Well let me raise my hand in shame and admit I have let the hoopla surrounding Christmas consume me. If you’re not feeling the Christmas buzz yet you must be living under a rock. With only two days left until Christmas Day, the played out Christmas songs and movies are in full rotation as well as the frantic shopping being at an all time high. I think I’ve seen it all in the last couple of days; people fighting over the last parking space, parents running around trying to buy their children’s love and hopeless boyfriends walking around in circles with no idea what gift to buy. Yes “Christmas” is in full swing!  

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

You Need To Feel What I Feel.

Why these reality show ‘stars’ let the most intimate details of their lives unfold on our TV screens every week blows my mind. As much as I’m confused as to why they reveal so much to the world, there is nothing I find more entertaining than watching these people air out their dirty laundry. An average episode will have enough drama to last a lifetime; DNA tests, baby daddy drama and girl fights are all common storylines within a 40 minute episode. Surely this can’t be real life. Last week’s episode of the infamous Love and Hip Hop made me realise how true to life these shows really are, when this seasons breakout star Tara Wallace screamed “I want you to feel what I feel!” Something I myself have screamed in frustration. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Feeling Myself.

Have you ever bumped into someone you follow on a social networking site and it all of a sudden becomes super awkward? We all follow people we may have not had a real encounter with, there’s nothing unusual about that but meeting them in the flesh can be a little weird. For the most part I don’t mind saying “Hi” and moving right along but a part of me always thinks, “Take time, what if they don’t even recognise you?” What am I supposed to say when the other person gives me a confused response, “Oh I’m @thisisabena, we follow each other on twitter?” CRINGE!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Abena Interviewed Tatyana, No Lie

We are all aware of the saying ‘always look your best because you never know who you may run into’, well I forgot this saying when I left my house for work last week. I just couldn’t be bothered; the weather was horrible and I was already running late so I literally put on the first thing I could find and kept it moving. Big mistake.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

You Deserve Burger & Lobster Everyday!

The title of this post may have you somewhat confused, for those that are not familiar with ‘Burger and Lobster’ it is a restaurant located in Mayfair which strictly serves burger and lobster. Lobster is quite often associated with extravagance and fine dining
although in my opinion I think it tastes quite bland. Now that we’re all up to speed on what I’m talking about when I say ‘Burger and Lobster’ we can get into this post.Yes ladies you deserve burger and lobster every day, you also deserve diamonds, flowers, 5 star trips you deserve it ALL. Before you critics jump on my back and accuse me of promoting gold digging activities on my blog let me explain myself further.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


My original plan when I first started my blog was to upload a new post every week. I’ve found it  hard to keep up with this plan in recent weeks as I’ve been way too busy to post anything! All bloggers proclaim to be “super busy” when they haven’t updated their Blog in a while. When other Bloggers say this even I sometimes find myself thinking, “Girl you are not busy, who do you think you are? Beyonce?” Well my schedule is nothing like Bey’s but I've had no time to focus on what I enjoy doing. Now that I’ve got my focus back its only right that I get back to business and share my thoughts on this Blog.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Are You A Doormat Or A Dreamgirl?

I’ve had best selling author Sherry Argov’s book “Why men love bitches” on my bedside table for months and I’ve finally had a chance to read it. When my friend gave me this book I couldn’t help but laugh at the tag line on the front cover, “From doormat to dream girl- A woman’s guide to holding her own in a relationship. Sounds corny right?  When I think of a “doormat” I automatically think of a woman that is often weak, powerless and lets their guy walk all over them. If you were to ask any female “Are you a doormat or a Dreamgirl?” I’m certain they would reply saying, "Dreamgirl!" Let’s be real, who would openly admit they let guys walk all over them? It’s hardly something you’d scream from the top of your lungs.  After reading this book the harsh reality is some of us ladies have been a “doormat” at one point in our lives. The sad thing is, some of us are still living life as a doormat. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Think Big Dream Big

I was having one of those chilled evenings when I received a text message from a friend that got me thinking.  By now you've probably gathered I'm always thinking lol. You know those evenings when you just want to sit in front of your laptop and catch up on your weekly dose of reality television, well that’s the type of evening I was having. As I opened the message from my friend I saw she had sent me a video link, which followed with another message which said “WATCH”.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

What Are You Going To Do Now?

For as long as I can remember I’ve associated the month of September with going back to school, college or university. Well for the first time in my life I’ve got nowhere to go back to now that the summer is over. Now all the hoopla surrounding graduation has died down reality is beginning to sink in; I’m in the real world. Recently most common question I get asked is “what are you going to do now?” No one understands how much I hate this question, if I had my way, my first response would be “Shut up and mind your own business!” 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

7 Flaws We Like In A Guy

Since I started my blog I’ve become more active on all social media platforms, which involves me having to post links to my blog on Facebook. I personally hate Facebook, I’m even surprised so many people still use it. The other day whilst scrolling through my Facebook news feed I came across an article one of my Facebook “friends” had liked, which was titled “ 7 Flaws I Like In A Woman” by Mark Manson. There are so many reasons why this article caught my eye, I find that many of us expect too much from the opposite sex.Nobody’s perfect, we all have flaws. 

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

God Forgives, I Don't.

I remember hearing rapper Rick Ross had titled his album “God forgives, I don’t” back in 2012 and it had me thinking “how can he say such a thing?” I guess the title “God forgives, I don’t” was all a part of his gangster image which is used to sell records but it did get me thinking about forgiveness. I’ve always thought of forgiveness as something that we all HAVE to do, which explains why I initially didn’t understand Rick Ross’ choice for his album title.
Since finishing university I’ve had some time to reflect on the events that have occurred in my life in the past couple of years. I was shocked when I realised I have had the same mentality as Rick Ross and I ain’t even know it.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Time To Party. Every Man Grab A Girl!

It’s been two weeks since I graduated from university and I’m still milking it as an excuse to have any sort of celebration. I normally hate organising party’s when I’m the celebrant but since I’m only ever going to graduate once in my life, I thought it would be a great idea to have a small "party" to celebrate my recent achievements.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Growing Together or Growing Apart?


I’ve more or less had the same group of friends since I started secondary school. I was never that person who was part of a new clique every other week, not to say there is anything wrong with that, but its never been me. I’ve always stuck to what I know and who I know. Looking back I share over 10 years of friendship with my friends, in saying “10 years of friendship” that may have you reading this thinking “wow she must have one tight knit circle,”. This isn't necessarily the case as a lot can happen within a span of 10 years.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

She Wants That Old Thing Back

Let’s be clear I don’t want the title of this post to cause confusion for any of you reading this. I personally do not want any “old things” gully creeping back into my life.  Having made that clear there are a couple of things I would like to discuss when it comes to the topic of reuniting with an old flame.

It Has Been A Long Road But I Made It

I am officially a graduate. The day I’ve been working towards all these years has finally come and it was an overwhelming experience. Making my parents proud at my graduation has to be one of the best feelings I’ve ever felt. Right now this post is probably sounding like a fairytale but my university experience has been one roller coaster of a journey filled with highs and lows making it one of the hardest experiences of my life.