Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Think Big Dream Big

I was having one of those chilled evenings when I received a text message from a friend that got me thinking.  By now you've probably gathered I'm always thinking lol. You know those evenings when you just want to sit in front of your laptop and catch up on your weekly dose of reality television, well that’s the type of evening I was having. As I opened the message from my friend I saw she had sent me a video link, which followed with another message which said “WATCH”.

 I'm going to be honest this friend of mine sends me inspirational videos and messages quite often so when her message popped up on my screen I couldn't help but think "here we go another inspirational message about life," At that present moment I wasn't interested in hearing some words of wisdom, I was more interested in Stevie J's horrendous proposal to BOTH Mimi and Joseline in the latest episode of Love and Hip Hop. Please don't judge me. As I opened the message my friend could see I was "online" on WhatsApp  so there was no point in me ignoring her message as I knew she was waiting for a response. I reluctantly stopped  what I was doing and watched the link she had sent. The YouTube clip was titled  “Power of your thoughts”, this title alone spoke to me on so many levels.

The underlining message within the clip spoke on how our thoughts have the ability to control our lives in both a positive way and negative way. As I watched the clip every word that was said spoke directly to me. On a normal day if someone  where to ask you "Do you ever have negative thoughts about yourself?" You would probably reply, "No, why would I think negative thoughts within my life?" The idea of having negative thoughts within your life seems so absurd but this clip made me realise we all easily fall into the trap of speaking negatively within our lives.  For a very long time I had let negative thoughts control my life which put limits on things I thought I could achieve. When it came to starting this Blog I only had the idea a couple of months ago although I'm almost certain if I had the same idea last year I would have never done it. Not in a million years. I was so consumed in other peoples opinions in what I could and couldn't do, which had programmed my mind into thinking small. I would stop myself from thinking I could do anything big; “There’s no point in trying people are going to think this...” , “ I could never do that..” We fail to realise how thoughts like this can effect us and stop us from being great. 

 In regards to my own personal journey I'm not saying starting this Blog is my greatest achievement but it did take a lot of courage to change my mindset of thinking small. It took a lot for me to execute this idea without having a whole bunch of excuses of why I shouldn't do it. I'm a firm believer that we are all one idea from changing our lives, one thought away from having the greatest experience so have the courage to think BIG. Your thoughts are either bringing you up or taking you down. If we simply change our mentality we could achieve so much. Don't look at someone you know who has achieved so much and think it is not possible for you to achieve the same things or more. What has that person got that you that you haven't, accept self belief and the ability to think big?!

If you were once like me and focussing on the wrong thoughts, GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER and have the courage to think BIG. If you have an idea to do something or be something don’t let a small mind diminish that idea. Don't let other peoples opinions diminish your dreams. It’s not what the next person thinks about you that makes a difference in your life because you are not moving in their thoughts, your moving in your own.Having the courage to think big can change your circumstances allowing you to evolve. 



  1. That was lovely and very in season!
    JimJam x

  2. An interesting one abenaaa....

  3. Preach gurl! Very inspirational.

    Ebs x

  4. Saw this in a bookstore while I was on the prowl for a good read for my train journeys. The title caught my eye, but im too much of a wuss to be seen reading a book like this in public. Dont want to seem like desperado plus I've convinced myself that most of these relationship books are full of crap anyway.But after your write up I may reconsider. I'm too nice sometimes so I think I may need this book in my life.Good post!
    Good post
