Yes I’m back! I’ve finally decided to update my blog after
my brief hiatus. There is nothing more annoying than an inconsistent blogger
and sadly I’ve fallen into that category BUT I’m here to redeem myself. Over
the past couple of months people have asked me, ‘What happened to your blog?/Do
you still write?’ To answer those questions in the best possible way, I'll have
to be honest with you all and say I just didn’t feel like sharing my thoughts
on here. When you have so much running through your mind it’s hard to tune in on
your thoughts and write it down. On the bright side I’ve got my mojo back and finally
have something I’d like to share with you all; 99% WoMan by Dinah Amadi.
Having read many self help/relationship books over the past
couple of years I’ve found they all seem to follow the same generic formula of ‘What
not to do’, ‘How to sustain your power in a relationship’ and so on. When I received
this book I wasn’t expecting to learn anything I didn’t already know although
after reading 99% WoMan by talented young writer by Dinah Amadi I must say she has given me a totally different perspective on how relationships REALLY work.
The 99% WoMan
We all assume most healthy relationships are 50/50,
whether it’s marriage, a friendship or whether your dating. Well according to
Amadi we’re all very much misguided as a relationship either consists of you
giving 99% or 1%. Don’t get confused 99% versus 1% formula used by the writer doesn’t necessarily
reflect who brings more to the table in terms of money or status its more a reflection
of who is the driving force within the relationship and who takes the passenger
seat. In saying this you may automatically think the 99% WoMan is the more
important factor within any relationship but Amadi clearly highlights that although the 99% WoMan may do a lot more, they are equally as
important as someone only giving 1%. Shocking, I know. The 99% WoMan is
described by Amadi to be the ‘Jack of all trades’, the person within the
relationship that adopts the ‘I can do it all by myself’ attitude. People who usually adopt this position within
a relationship normally know what they want and know how to get it. They don’t
need anyone to guide them or motivate them, they’re usually the person driving
the wheels of the relationship as they decide what the next step is and where
things are going. Sound familiar?
The 1% Woman
Writer Amadi makes it very clear that a 99% WoMan will
always choose a 1% WoMan. I was really disappointed when I read this as I kept
asking myself, 'why on earth would anyone want to be with someone only giving 1%?
The book explains that no matter how much you may express that you want someone
just like you or someone who gives as much as you do in a relationship, you
will always fall in love or as Amadi states ‘walk in love’ with someone who
gives the total opposite. The role of a 1% may seem very small but the book
shows how this role is just as important as the person giving 99%. They usually
adopt the laid back attitude and are ready to follow. There’s no point asking a 1% WoMan where the relationship is going because they most
defiantly don’t know. They are there for the 'ride' and are usually ‘going with
the flow’. This may all sound confusing but in simpler terms the 1% WoMan is
the missing piece of a very big puzzle, they have a very specific role and they do it
well. This could be anything from being the trophy girlfriend or the stay at
home dad who is good with the kids. I’m sure this sounds very familiar to some
of you...
Overall I think the biggest message I’ve learned from this
book is the importance of knowing your role in any relationship and accepting
it. What sense does it make complaining that your partner is overpowering or does too
little in your relationship, after all you picked them. You picked them for a
reason and that reason usually is that they complete the missing piece of your
puzzle. No matter how big or small that piece is.
Purchase a copy of Dinah Amadi's book here -
Need to get this book sounds interesting. Great post x