Sunday, 9 March 2014

Welcome To The Real World

I never quite understood when my teacher’s would say 'you wait until you enter the real world' when I was in school. Real world? Do we not all live in one world? Life after university really puts this phrase into perspective. The bubble the education system provides us with is completely destroyed when we leave university and enter the working environment. If we’re honest with ourselves the majority of things we learn during our time in education really doesn’t help us when we enter the 'real world'. 

We leave education expected to follow 9 to 5 system which provides us with a monthly pay cheque, 4 weeks of holiday a year and 20% of our pay deducted every month. All that money spent at university seems like a huge waste when you break it down like this, doesn’t it? Having recently started a new job in my chosen field has opened my eyes on this system we live in. There has to be more to life than pushing my way onto the central line on a Monday morning and anxiously waiting for a Friday during the week. Many of us are completely content with this lifestyle and there is nothing wrong with that as we all want different things. I’m more than grateful to have this new opportunity especially in this current economical climate.Although I can’t help but merely see this as stepping stone and truly believe that there is more to life than the 9 to 5 mentality built within us. 

This system we live in can easily cause us to become comfortable and content with a life we don’t really want for ourselves. Money and comfort may have you in the same job for 30 years. Nothing scares me more than spending my working life building someone else's dream, whilst letting my own fall to the side. It sounds harsh but many people in this world stay in the same job for many years building their managing directors dream all for 12 pay cheques a year. Sorry but I think I'll pass.

Last week I had the opportunity to attend a master class session which spoke on branding amongst other things which was a big eye opener. When you think of branding you may automatically think of a big corporation, this master class highlighted that we are all brands within ourselves. How we market ourselves plays a big part in our progression within the 'real world'. It dawned on me that taking the steps to mould your own personal brand will lead you on the right path of progression. What is your vision for the next 5 years? How do you want the world to see you? What sets you apart from the rest of the competition? 

 It’s very easy to say we want more for our lives than the mundane lifestyle built within our society but are we really taking the steps to eventually remove ourselves from this system? This master class made me question myself. Am I currently making steps so that in 20 years I will be a Managing Director or CEO of a corporation, or better yet am I making the steps so that one day I am not relying on monthly pay cheques but have multiple streams of income?  This master class didn’t give me all of the answers but it did reinforce that if you do want more it’s important to make a bold step and start now! 



  1. hmm....well couldnt have said it better.

  2. Haven't heard this before :) Well said partner!

  3. Great read and very true, what field do you work in if you dont mind me asking?
