Tuesday, 26 November 2013

You Need To Feel What I Feel.

Why these reality show ‘stars’ let the most intimate details of their lives unfold on our TV screens every week blows my mind. As much as I’m confused as to why they reveal so much to the world, there is nothing I find more entertaining than watching these people air out their dirty laundry. An average episode will have enough drama to last a lifetime; DNA tests, baby daddy drama and girl fights are all common storylines within a 40 minute episode. Surely this can’t be real life. Last week’s episode of the infamous Love and Hip Hop made me realise how true to life these shows really are, when this seasons breakout star Tara Wallace screamed “I want you to feel what I feel!” Something I myself have screamed in frustration. 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Feeling Myself.

Have you ever bumped into someone you follow on a social networking site and it all of a sudden becomes super awkward? We all follow people we may have not had a real encounter with, there’s nothing unusual about that but meeting them in the flesh can be a little weird. For the most part I don’t mind saying “Hi” and moving right along but a part of me always thinks, “Take time, what if they don’t even recognise you?” What am I supposed to say when the other person gives me a confused response, “Oh I’m @thisisabena, we follow each other on twitter?” CRINGE!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Abena Interviewed Tatyana, No Lie

We are all aware of the saying ‘always look your best because you never know who you may run into’, well I forgot this saying when I left my house for work last week. I just couldn’t be bothered; the weather was horrible and I was already running late so I literally put on the first thing I could find and kept it moving. Big mistake.