Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Think Big Dream Big

I was having one of those chilled evenings when I received a text message from a friend that got me thinking.  By now you've probably gathered I'm always thinking lol. You know those evenings when you just want to sit in front of your laptop and catch up on your weekly dose of reality television, well that’s the type of evening I was having. As I opened the message from my friend I saw she had sent me a video link, which followed with another message which said “WATCH”.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

What Are You Going To Do Now?

For as long as I can remember I’ve associated the month of September with going back to school, college or university. Well for the first time in my life I’ve got nowhere to go back to now that the summer is over. Now all the hoopla surrounding graduation has died down reality is beginning to sink in; I’m in the real world. Recently most common question I get asked is “what are you going to do now?” No one understands how much I hate this question, if I had my way, my first response would be “Shut up and mind your own business!”